pro-jet : gestural diagrams

normal civilian human person

Location: :':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':'


Sunday, October 28, 2012

New York.

-add a roster  (ongoing affairs and plan business affairs)
  +roster - individuals and participation
  -log of tasks completed
  -plans and contributions (situational)
  +[dates - real-time. history-past, projected;]
  -government and accountability
  -related offices
  -funding [geographical-regional and national, individual and group)
  -weblinks to news on responses, funds, and updates

February 2, 2013.   --conversation, Autumn 2003 (complications)

notations re. a suggestion favoring recognition of work rended in affairs and interest of community and external-community external to creative industry

-est or find legal representation or agency 
   -group or joint account [bank and legal]
   -application to receive monies and assets  from  government  and external funding-investing sources
   -a unified or combined single  account or set of accounts  (books, bank account, legal reprsentation)
   -available as  standing capital  and as  source for inviting investment or of actual funds

-log of work externally rended (outside of fine art and arts)
   -could 'apply' and consult with  colleague  and legal rep-and-agency
     -for  financing and compensation 
     -for contact-networking
     -for inclusion of activities to records of curriculum
     -for further negotiation

-external advisories and providerships
     -local and regional  bank and trust company 

-documentation incl
     -synopses of 'general' situations and contributions
     -logs provided by principles of contributions, and synopses of background or portfolio
     -recent and archived correspondence  in legal affairs, for recording, for social arrangement

-private group or casual alliances
  as an actual status
  sharing of goals and tasks
  favor continental interests and situation response

   -unlikelihoods of funds and external communication was posed as a criticism
   -a 'constructive' criticism and suggestion "to expand" ie like enterprise-dev
     was responded to with
     -understanding art-and-architecture tracks in curriculum at school as per NAAB and industry norms,
     -"external parties" and discussions with police authorities

> (goal has been to credit contributors

--dear friends at the city, 

 re. a few notations by previous conversation, discretory  [update: writing courtesy notes next year]

"working notes for documentation .wiki purposes [+opensrc]"

ADDNOTE 20130326.  on my Desk -  link  - Overview of american recovery and Reinvestment act of 2009  link  -


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